Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rant #1

Well isn't this going to be fun! What's really been bugging me lately about the music industry is that it is no longer about the music. It's all about the money and they way they make that money is by selling sex. I don't mean anything like street walkers, though, sometimes it can be just as bad.
Take the Pussycat Dolls for example. I'm not one to say that they don't care about the music, but it seems to me that it isn't there highest priority. It seems like there all about money and selling, well sex. I mean they did a song called "Buttons" and you'd have to be blind to see that the song is a direct reference to sex.
It's no surprise that sex sells. People like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and like I said before, the Pussycat Dolls have made it into a defined art. What's better than someone that can sing? Someone that can sing and that is half naked all the time. That's not at all the way I think, but for sure there are a lot, and I mean a lot of people that think that way. The consumers could care less what they are singing about as long as they look super hot singing it. This in turn causes more album sells, therefore more money, they spend it and live like kings, and yet they can't ever seem to by clothes.
I'm now going to turn my direction to Britney Spears. There might be a chance that she was about the music in the beginning, but it just kept tumbling downhill. Take her newest video for example. I couldn't make it through the video because I could stand the sight of her being completely naked for most of the song. I just don't see the point in it. It wasn't the least bit artsy so you can't even say that. There is no way to deny that Britney sells sex, and almost only that ( that means I think the songs suck just so you know).
Then there is a bimbo like Paris Hilton. She should have never picked up a mic. It was obvious it wasn't about the music from the start. In her music videos she was always over some guy and half naked if not almost fully. It was a way for her to add just that much more money to her piggy bank that is overflowing and get publicity out of it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that a lot of mainstream music (and not only girls, there are guys that sell sex too, I just couldn't put 20 examples up) is all about selling sex so they can sell the records. It's no longer about the music for them, even if it was to start. That being said, there are great artist that are out there, I guess you just have to look hard enough.


Kevin D A Jones said...

I don't know what is worse - the fact that this sort of "sex first music later" product exists, or that our society is depraved enough to buy into it.

Good blogging.


Caitlin said...

AH! This definitely gets on my nerves too Janel!
I don't like the turn music has taken nowadays, concerning "s" word. There is without a doubt too much of it happening. At times I feel like I'm a little kid again, having to look away or change the channel because of what's on TV.
One example that I've talked about in a previous post is Girlicious. The sad thing is that they came from a TV show, I just hope they don't come up with another. I was watching Video On Trial today, and their video for "Stupid Sh*t" was on. I agree with the judges, that video was stupid sh*t! It has them dancing around in their underwear, and there's always the occasional (more like every 3 seconds) crotch shot. That is so disgusting. And the fact that their voices are super annoying just makes it worse. You know, the high, ditsy sounding voice. ("Like, OMG!") That drives me crazy!! It's sad to think that some people are so into this group, because I don't think they are the greatest of role models.
I think these kinds of people are very stupid. I don't respect people who give it all away so easily. It looks ridiculous and it is sickening to know people enjoy this. I guess that's why I listen to the kind of music I do, because I feel this type of music is so fake.
It would be cool if people thought about music they way they think about how they speak. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." TO "If you're not going to make music for the right reasons, don't make it at all."
Glad you wrote about this Janel, it's good knowing people who feel the same as you do on certain topics!

Janel said...

I agree with you Caitlin. Sometimes I can't stand to turn the TV to Muchmusic or MTV because I know there will probably be a half naked girl on sometime durning the show. And since I know you are a fellow Paramore lover (I know I keep talking about them, but it's some kind of disease I tell you), I kind of admire them for not selling sex. They have the chance to since they do have a girl lead singer, but I don't think she have ever even shown here cleavage. I mean she didn't even start wearing make up until some thing like a year and a half ago. It's just nice to know that there are some good people out there.

Caitlin said...

Yay Paramore! :)