Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is Music the Career for Me?

The answer is yes. Though I'm not completely sure what direction I'm going to go in to. What is for sure is that I will always be apart of music, meaning I will always be listening to music. That will never change.
Music in some way will be my career. My ultimate dream of course would to actually be in a band. Getting to travel the world, meet new people and best of all, play my music for people that actually enjoy it would be a dream come true. I wouldn't mind waking up in a different city everyday.I would get to see the world and work at the same time.
But I'm not sure what I'm going to do if that doesn't work out. I'm been thinking about what I would want to do, and I know that it would be something tied to the music industry. One thing I have been looking at is sound engineering. I wouldn't mind being behind the scenes. I'd get to work with some very talented bands and help them create something completely awesome. It's kind of like what we are doing in this class, but way more in depth. I would love to work the sound board and everthing. I really love recording and creating things. I could even travel with a band and be there sound "guy". That would be a plus.
Other thing I am looking into is the business side of things. I'm not totally sure what I would go into specifically though. There are so many choices. An A&R Rep would be cool. Going to clubs and show cases, and listen to demos would be an awesome job. I could hear all the new music that is coming out and could help find the next big thing. Or even a Artist manager would be cool. I'd help a band get to were they want to go.
Then there are some careers that would be awesome, but are probably not going to happen because I'm not sure I'm suited for the job like a roadie or a tour manager. I would get to travel around the world and work with the bands. The only down side is that I wouldn't be able to play music, but that doesn't matter if I get to help another band make there dreams come true.
So it seems I have some thinking to do, but I know that I will have a music related career.

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

For what it's worth, I hope you pursue the musician angle. You have great musical sensibilities, strong writing chops, and a cool punky voice that makes be buy whatever it is that you're selling. It would somewhat of a shame to put you behind the scenes.

If you are serious about performing, I'd look into doing something like what Seth Sylvester has done - make a bunch of money pipelining and go to school in Hollywood or New York or something like that, where the music is happening and you can make TONS of connections. I'd aim to be a session musician first, and try to craft my own sound/band from there.

Nice blogging.
