Friday, November 21, 2008

How I Use Music and How Music Uses Me

I use music in many ways. Like this weekend. I had to work Midnight Madness and I had to work later than normal. I hate working a 7 or 8 hour shift straight, so to keep myself preoccupied I listened to music. Only there is no radio in the back so I was listening to the music in my head, and lots of time it starts to repeat the same thing, but at least it keeps me preoccupied. Music keeps me going at work, because probably without it I would go insane with it.
Another way I use music is when I clean at home. Again this is the kinda the same as it is at work, only there is actual music playing in the background instead of just my head.
I also use music to release my emotions. There have been so many days I come home stressed or upset and just sit down and write a song or listen to a song. Both way let me release my emotions and if feels so much better.
I use you help me with my homework. There are a lot of distractions all around me, so I put my music on and I can work so much better than I could without it. I get so much more work done. When I'm just walking or even working out, I use music. I use it to keep me going. I push myself to keep going through the song and if it is upbeat, it keeps my energy up.
One way I noticed how music uses me is in movies and TV shows. In a show like survivor, they constantly use music to make you feel a certain way. With some thing like tribal counsel, the music is all intense so you are all tensed up and worried. The same is for their challenges. Movies do the same thing with music. I really just noticed that a lot in things in media.

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