Friday, November 28, 2008

Thoughts on Music Technology #2

Well, there has been a lot of happenings since I last wrote a blog on music technology. Where to start is the question. We helped run a PA concert a couple weeks ago. It was nice being on the other side of things this time. I liked working with all the guitars; having thousands of dollars worth of guitars going through your hands is just amazing. But I have to be honest, it kind of hurt when I learnt that Orry had re tuned his guitar. Not that I'm attacking him, but I've been playing guitar for almost 4 years, I'm pretty sure I'm as good as him at tuning guitars, it's not that hard. But besides that, I loved working with the concert.
One thing that has improved since last time is the fact that there isn't a bunch of people in the office that really shouldn't be in the office. I mean, there have been a few times, but nothing unbearable. We can finally work in peace.
Another thing is the mastering, and thanks to some EQ knowledge, I now understand for the most part what I am doing when I am mastering a track. I know what "slider" is supposed to go up or down when I want to hear something while I'm mastering. That has definitely improved since last time.
Two things I can't wait for are the full band track by track recording and the myspace. It is going to be fun to record the tracks kind of how they do it in the real studios. So yeah, that it is something I am definitely looking forward too. And myspace is going to be fun. The band came up with many good ideas of what to put up there and a hilarious band picture. I have to admit I am going to get my brother to teach me some HTML and CSS so that I can make the myspace page awesome, so it may be another month until it is finished.
The one thing that isn't really any better than a couple months ago is the setting up for bands. They still seem to get in the way, but we haven't done much setting up lately because all of the bands are starting new songs so maybe it has changed, I don't know. Another thing is that somethings, these blogs seem to be kind of a hassle, but overall, I don't hate them, it still is fun to read other peoples' opinions.
I have to say that this class is way more organized than it was a couple months ago. I could honestly say that a couple months ago, I wasn't sure if we would be able to finish all of our projects, but now I can see we can, it will just take a little work. And yes, this is still my favorite class.

Friday, November 21, 2008

How I Use Music and How Music Uses Me

I use music in many ways. Like this weekend. I had to work Midnight Madness and I had to work later than normal. I hate working a 7 or 8 hour shift straight, so to keep myself preoccupied I listened to music. Only there is no radio in the back so I was listening to the music in my head, and lots of time it starts to repeat the same thing, but at least it keeps me preoccupied. Music keeps me going at work, because probably without it I would go insane with it.
Another way I use music is when I clean at home. Again this is the kinda the same as it is at work, only there is actual music playing in the background instead of just my head.
I also use music to release my emotions. There have been so many days I come home stressed or upset and just sit down and write a song or listen to a song. Both way let me release my emotions and if feels so much better.
I use you help me with my homework. There are a lot of distractions all around me, so I put my music on and I can work so much better than I could without it. I get so much more work done. When I'm just walking or even working out, I use music. I use it to keep me going. I push myself to keep going through the song and if it is upbeat, it keeps my energy up.
One way I noticed how music uses me is in movies and TV shows. In a show like survivor, they constantly use music to make you feel a certain way. With some thing like tribal counsel, the music is all intense so you are all tensed up and worried. The same is for their challenges. Movies do the same thing with music. I really just noticed that a lot in things in media.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Controversial Figures in Music

The band I'm going to talk about is the same band that I'm going to do for my Rockumentary next semester. They are the Dixie Chicks. Now you don't necessarily have to follow country music to know why they have been controversial, but it was before the whole George Bush thing that they were controversial.

The Dixie Chick have almost always been controversial to most country critics and fans. The first time was when they released "Goodbye Earl". This song was a song about domestic violence, and in the end these two friends decide to kill the husband of the one friend who is getting abused. Many country stations refused to play the song because of that fact. But the Dixie Chicks came back say that this is a song of empowerment to people that are getting domestically abused, but in no way promoting domestic abuse or are wanting people to kill an abuser. They just want action taken. Despite the song being pulled from some stations, the song still peaked at #13 on the country charts.

The one controversy that most people know about was the one with President Bush. It was just after the invasion of Iraq has started. At a concert that took place in London, lead singer, Natalie Maines, stated "Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we’re ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas," which is the Dixie Chicks home state. This came with major backlash, and in my opinion, people overreacted. But what many people don't know is that fellow band member Emily Robison stated that the band supported the American troops 100 percent.

The main reason for the criticism was that they believed that she shouldn't have criticized Bush on foreign soil. But even Bush didn't care what the Dixie Chicks said. Maines apologized a couple of weeks later, but the hatred didn't stop. Lipton stopped an endorsement deal they have with the "Chicks", fans had parties where they would in some way destroy the Dixie Chick's CDs, and some former fans even sent death threats to the girls. Even fellow country stars attack them (ie. Toby Keith doctoring a picture making Maines look like Saddam Hussein.) Talk about overreacting. What I find funny about this is that at this same time, many celebrities where criticizing Bush and they never got any backlash whatsoever. And honestly, if someone said something about a politician I liked, I would just let it breeze past me. Not everyone is going to like the President.

In the end, the Dixie Chicks had the last laugh. Though their record sales have dropped, it has given them more freedom to write what they want and don't feel any pressure from the country side of things anymore. Lipton resigned them to there contract, they won 5 Grammy awards (which I think the honestly deserved, it was an awesome album), and a song about the experience that peaked in the top 5 of American charts.

Honestly, I think most people blew the situation way out of proportion an overreacted to the comment. I support both sides (the Dixie Chicks and the government), and I realize that everyone is entitled to free speak. If only everyone saw it that way, then this all would have not happened.