Friday, October 31, 2008

Concert Review

As you know, I was recently at the Lenny Kravitz concert in Winnipeg last week. Overall, the production was quite good. The part of the production that I like the best was the lights. The weren't overly complicated or anything, the just seemed to suit the performance.
In one review I read, the writer said she didn't like the fact that there wasn't a more complicated, but it was just right for me. I loved the fact that they had the lights going exactly to the music and the beat. As you already know, simple things amuse me. And I know it may have been a bad thing, but I loved it when the keyboard didn't work. I think seeing him throw it off the stage was probably better than the solo that there would have been.
One thing I didn't like about the production was the loudness. Now I'm all about being loud, but it just seemed too loud. And the thing is that Lenny is a man that can hit some fairly high notes, so sometimes it was overwhelming.
Somethings I didn't like about the concert in general was the outros. On some songs they were good, but sometimes they were the same length as the song to begin with. And most of the songs had long outros, so it got repetitive.
That being said, it really picked up when they played American Woman. They just kept the energy up from then on. I also liked the connection he had with his fans. How many artists do you know go out into the crowd and interact with the fans. The last thing I liked was the musicianship. No one ever missed a beat, even when things weren't working properly.
The concert was an awesome experience, but would have been better without all the super long endings.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rant #1

Well isn't this going to be fun! What's really been bugging me lately about the music industry is that it is no longer about the music. It's all about the money and they way they make that money is by selling sex. I don't mean anything like street walkers, though, sometimes it can be just as bad.
Take the Pussycat Dolls for example. I'm not one to say that they don't care about the music, but it seems to me that it isn't there highest priority. It seems like there all about money and selling, well sex. I mean they did a song called "Buttons" and you'd have to be blind to see that the song is a direct reference to sex.
It's no surprise that sex sells. People like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and like I said before, the Pussycat Dolls have made it into a defined art. What's better than someone that can sing? Someone that can sing and that is half naked all the time. That's not at all the way I think, but for sure there are a lot, and I mean a lot of people that think that way. The consumers could care less what they are singing about as long as they look super hot singing it. This in turn causes more album sells, therefore more money, they spend it and live like kings, and yet they can't ever seem to by clothes.
I'm now going to turn my direction to Britney Spears. There might be a chance that she was about the music in the beginning, but it just kept tumbling downhill. Take her newest video for example. I couldn't make it through the video because I could stand the sight of her being completely naked for most of the song. I just don't see the point in it. It wasn't the least bit artsy so you can't even say that. There is no way to deny that Britney sells sex, and almost only that ( that means I think the songs suck just so you know).
Then there is a bimbo like Paris Hilton. She should have never picked up a mic. It was obvious it wasn't about the music from the start. In her music videos she was always over some guy and half naked if not almost fully. It was a way for her to add just that much more money to her piggy bank that is overflowing and get publicity out of it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that a lot of mainstream music (and not only girls, there are guys that sell sex too, I just couldn't put 20 examples up) is all about selling sex so they can sell the records. It's no longer about the music for them, even if it was to start. That being said, there are great artist that are out there, I guess you just have to look hard enough.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is Music the Career for Me?

The answer is yes. Though I'm not completely sure what direction I'm going to go in to. What is for sure is that I will always be apart of music, meaning I will always be listening to music. That will never change.
Music in some way will be my career. My ultimate dream of course would to actually be in a band. Getting to travel the world, meet new people and best of all, play my music for people that actually enjoy it would be a dream come true. I wouldn't mind waking up in a different city everyday.I would get to see the world and work at the same time.
But I'm not sure what I'm going to do if that doesn't work out. I'm been thinking about what I would want to do, and I know that it would be something tied to the music industry. One thing I have been looking at is sound engineering. I wouldn't mind being behind the scenes. I'd get to work with some very talented bands and help them create something completely awesome. It's kind of like what we are doing in this class, but way more in depth. I would love to work the sound board and everthing. I really love recording and creating things. I could even travel with a band and be there sound "guy". That would be a plus.
Other thing I am looking into is the business side of things. I'm not totally sure what I would go into specifically though. There are so many choices. An A&R Rep would be cool. Going to clubs and show cases, and listen to demos would be an awesome job. I could hear all the new music that is coming out and could help find the next big thing. Or even a Artist manager would be cool. I'd help a band get to were they want to go.
Then there are some careers that would be awesome, but are probably not going to happen because I'm not sure I'm suited for the job like a roadie or a tour manager. I would get to travel around the world and work with the bands. The only down side is that I wouldn't be able to play music, but that doesn't matter if I get to help another band make there dreams come true.
So it seems I have some thinking to do, but I know that I will have a music related career.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thoughts on Music Technology #1

It's been very interesting. With all the problems that we have encountered (soundboards and speakers going), I think the course is doing fairly good for a first time class. Quite a few of the things we are doing this class I have some previous experience with since I've been in PA (setting up, running the sound board, knowing about different mics and doing some recording).

One thing I definitely like about this class is the recording aspect. I has always kind of captivated me. When we got to go into the office and record the Butlers' one track at a time was probably one of the coolest things we have done so far. Even though its unfinished, the parts that were done sounded so awesome, and if felt so good to know that we helped create that. All the tech students were like "That is so awesome that we helped create that." It's definitely a highlight.

And the H4 doesn't seem that hard to me, but that's is probably because I used it last year.
Another thing is these blogs. It's cool to just talk about music and hear others opinions on music related topics. I honestly can't wait until the rants, those are going to pretty awesome. I also have to squeeze in that I think that it's cool that the tech students get to come along on the concert trip. I love going to concerts.
One thing that I don't like is setting up with the band getting ready at the same time. I remember once we did it in no time whatsoever when the band wasn't there. But when they are there, it just seem so much harder. There are more people hanging around getting in the way, and more noise so it makes it harder to talk to the person at the sound board, or even right next to you. Another thing is that sometimes the bands seem like kids that aren't taking there ridalin. You pretty much have to jump up and down to get there attention just to sound check, and then they start playing when they shouldn't. I can deal with it, but it is definitely annoying. To go along with that, sometime those kids just need to get out of the office and let us work. It's hard to master a track when you can't even hear it.
One thing I would like to learn more about is EQ. I don't know much about it, and I think it makes it harder to master a track and even mix the sound board when there isn't much knowledge of it. The last thing is that I kind of wish we could had more help with some things. It's not Jones' fault because he has to play with the bands, but for future classes it is something to take into consideration.

This is by far my favorite class this semester and I think it will help we with whatever I go into with the music industry. I love all the behind the scenes kind of stuff.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Least Favorite

My least favorite genre would probably have to be either metal or rap/ hip hop. On occasion I will listen to to these genre, but typically, nope!
I'm not totally sure what I don't like about metal. It probably not melodic enough for me. I'm not really into music that is all about to total distortion of your guitar (don't get me wrong, I love distortion), I just feel like there is too much distortion that you don't really get something melodic. Of course there is some metal that is more melodic and I can stand that stuff.
Then there is rap/hip hop. I actually don't hate the genre that much, it's more of what some of the artists have made the genre into. Artist like 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy just bug me. They rap about how awesome they are or how much money they have, or how much booty they are getting. I just hate that. But then there are songs like Where is the love by The Black Eyed Peas (personal favorite) and Change by Tupac that have some actually meaning to them. If it wasn't for artist like 50 Cent, I would probably love hip hop more. I mean I love the beats and that whole idea, it's just the message they send with there music I hate.
I'm also not a huge fan of screaming music. There are the few songs that I will listen to that have screaming, but for the most part, I'm really not that huge of a fan. There is no way I could make it through an entire song of screaming.
If I was to pick some artist that I just don't like and won't listen to, they would probably be Madonna, Fall Out Boy, and Simple Plan. There is just something about them that bugs me to death and can't stand to listen to them.
So when it comes to music, I may be a little pickier that most people, but I like what I like.