Monday, September 15, 2008

What is Music?

Music to me is more than a series of notes put into an order that sounds pleasant to the ear, it is an expression. If you ask song writers why they started to write, most of them will probably say that they felt that is what a way for them to let out what they were feeling inside and just express it to everyone. For me, music is exactly that. I mean it could be the most cheesy and poppy song in the world, but if it connects to me in some way, I just fall in love with it. Having said that, there are songs that I don't have any connection with, but still love it just because of the way it was written. But I also use music in my daily life, or I should say my daily life is music. Music is in me at all hours of the day, probably even when I am sleeping. My t.v. wakes me up in them morning and the channel it is programmed to is a music channel, so I wake up to music. On the way to school I'm listening to my mp3 player. In class, there is usually a song playing in my head. The same goes for when I'm at work. Even as I write this blog I have a song playing in my head. Music is non-stop in my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Music may be way different for someone else. It could be just a way to keep themselves entertained while they are doing something. It could also be something that helps them escape reality. Music mean something different to everyone and I find that kind of cool.

So if you were to ask me what I define music as, well, it's what ever you want it to be.

1 comment:

Kevin D A Jones said...

Interesting thoughts Janel - does this mean music can be ice cream and ice cream can be music? Interesting, too, to hear that you are plugged into music all the time - often I hear older folks complaining of the same thing you celebrate - that is young people using technology to soundtrack their lives.

I celebrate it too - listen to the iPod on the way to work, teach music, go home and play guitar for my son and then some Rock Band.

Music not only will connect you with the artist and they with you, but it will also serve to connect you with others. 10/10