Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Favorite Music

I don't know if I can say that I really have a favorite genre when it comes to music. I enjoy quite a few. Though, if you would have asked me about 4 years ago, I would have told you that I loved country music. Now I'm into almost anything. If I had to pick though, I would have to say that my favorite is rock and all its subgenres. I don't know what it is, but I guess I love it when you can just head bang (and not the way that the metal heads do it, lol) to a song, then be jamming to a ballad.

Not to say a mainly listen to country and rock. As much as I hate to admit it, I do love some pop every now and then. It just gets me into a mood that no other genre can. It's usually not all too complicated, so it is a really easy listen.

If I had to pick my all-time favorite artist, I would have to pick Shania Twain. As lame as it sounds, it's true. She is the person that made me fall in love with music. The first CD I heard of hers was Come On Over. There was not one song on that CD that I didn't love or didn't know all the words to. She was the reason I picked up a guitar. I'm not entirely sure why I was so attracted to her music. It was something I never heard before. She even had me wanting to become a country singer (that didn't last to long). Even though I fell in love with her music something like 10 years ago, it still feels like the first time listening to it, it never gets old. Her songs can go from something more poppy like That don't impress me much, to something more country like Any Man of Mine. I just love the range she has. Not to mention that she has such a unique voice. I mean, if you hear one of her songs on the radio, you automatically know it her. Oh, there is so much I could write about her, but I'm afraid it would turn into an essay.

At the moment, and for the past 2 years, Paramore has been my favorite band. To be honest, at first I wasn't all into them. But after leaving their music for a while I came back and just fell in love with it. I had just happened to stumble upon their myspace one boring summer day, I had no idea that they would become one of my favorite band. I've never would have thought that a band with an average age of 16 or 17 could make such great music. Seeing a 15 year old bang the drums like he had been doing it for decades just amazed me. Then there is the singing and the songwriting. Hearing a 16 year old belt out notes that I can only hit in my dreams was awesome and write circles around anyone else their age. Of course they are a little older now, but they still come back with the same intensity they had from the beginning. And they keep the hits coming. I can't think of one song I don't like by them, but to pick favorites, they would probably have to be Pressure, Emergency, Here We Go Again, Let the Flames Begin and We Are Broken. They are suppost to be doing some songs for the new Twilight movie, so I can't wait to hear that.

I'm starting to realize how long this post is... oh well.

Currently I'm enjoying many different bands. A lot of them I saw at Warped Tour this past year, but didn't really start listening to them until after warped. Bands like The Academy Is..., Cobra Starship, Gym Class Heroes, We The Kings and even Katy Perry. I'm also enjoying bands like The All American Rejects, The Almost, Sum 41 and Blink 182 that I've loved for years. Most of the band are indie/alternative bands with some punk. And like I said before I do indulge in some pop, like Katy Perry, who is one of my current favorites. I just have to say, take a listen to other songs on her album before you judge her for I Kissed A Girl. Slow songs like Thinking of You, Mannequin and I'm Still Breathing show how awesome a singer and songwriter she is, and others like Hot n' Cold, Ur So Gay and Fingerprints show off her sense of humour and ability to write catchy songs. When I went to see her at Warped Tour, I wasn't expecting anything spectular, but she impressed me quite a bit. I mean, that girl can sing. But trust me, I had the same outlook on her as most people do until I heard her album.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What is Music?

Music to me is more than a series of notes put into an order that sounds pleasant to the ear, it is an expression. If you ask song writers why they started to write, most of them will probably say that they felt that is what a way for them to let out what they were feeling inside and just express it to everyone. For me, music is exactly that. I mean it could be the most cheesy and poppy song in the world, but if it connects to me in some way, I just fall in love with it. Having said that, there are songs that I don't have any connection with, but still love it just because of the way it was written. But I also use music in my daily life, or I should say my daily life is music. Music is in me at all hours of the day, probably even when I am sleeping. My t.v. wakes me up in them morning and the channel it is programmed to is a music channel, so I wake up to music. On the way to school I'm listening to my mp3 player. In class, there is usually a song playing in my head. The same goes for when I'm at work. Even as I write this blog I have a song playing in my head. Music is non-stop in my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Music may be way different for someone else. It could be just a way to keep themselves entertained while they are doing something. It could also be something that helps them escape reality. Music mean something different to everyone and I find that kind of cool.

So if you were to ask me what I define music as, well, it's what ever you want it to be.